With the BRICS bloc embracing de-dollarization initiatives on a global scale, one finance expert has warned of an impending economic crisis, saying the US is “going broke.” Indeed, Rich Dad, Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki expressed his concern with the country’s direction. Specifically, pointing out the beginning of what could be a horrid domino effect.

The US economy’s fragility has been well documented. With the Federal Reserve likely to cut the country’s interest rates—currently at a 23-year high—in September, the concern is warranted. Yet, Kiyosaki expressed the potential for it to get far worse in the coming months.

Source: Watcher.Guru

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Finance Expert Warns of US Economic Collapse Amid BRICS Opposition

The BRICS has been the focal point of geopolitics in the last several years. Expansion efforts and currency development projects have defined its ambitious stance. Moreover, a critical part of that has been its efforts to dethrone the dollar.

That may cascade into dire repercussions for the country. Amid that BRICS challenge, one expert has predicted an economic crisis, saying the US is “going broke.” In a post to X (formerly Twitter), Kiyosaki discussed why the country may be on a collision course with catastrophe.

Kiyosaki began his post by calling California a “BELL-weather state.” Moreover, he noted that “what happens in California happens to the rest of the US.” Thereafter, he harshly proclaimed, “California is going broke.”

California is a BELL-Weather state. That means what happens in California happens to the rest of the US.

The problem is California is going broke. California will begin raising taxes and cutting subsidies to the poor, to prisons, environmental problems, and teachers unions.…

— Robert Kiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) July 29, 2024

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Moreover, Kiyosaki warned, “California will begin raising taxes and cutting subsidies,” to prisons, economic aid programs, environmental causes, and teaching collecting. “That means crime will spread as police will be cut.”

He then asked, “Which states will follow?” If his stance is proven correct, the cuts to subsidies could be undoubtedly harmful to the economy. Additionally, it will take place amid a ballooning US national debt that recently surpassed $35 trillion.

That pressure could have massive consequences for the country. Any answer to the US debt crisis likely won’t come until after the November election, with 2030 proving to be an important date for the issue. All the while BRICS is attempting to lessen international reliance on the greenback as a global reserve currency.


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