ASEAN nations have now started to develop comprehensive ways to strengthen their economic stance. Malaysia, in particular, stands out. It is fueling its stance to achieve global recognition by formally applying to join the prestigious BRICS alliance.

While some may consider Malaysia’s bid to join BRICS an act that diverts the nation from its ASEAN ideology.

In reality, Malaysia might be leveraging the brilliance of the BRICS to strengthen its ASEAN roots or to emerge as a global icon among both blocs.

Also Read: ASEAN Unity At Risk Amid Divergent Path Concerns

Malaysia: Powerplay at Its Best?


Malaysia has formally applied to join the BRICS alliance. While the nation is still an active ASEAN member, the speculative spree concerning how the ten-nation bloc might be splitting has emerged for a while, causing distress within the global economic plot.

However, a new perspective has emerged, one in which the Malaysian BRICS alliance can bring new surprises for the ASEAN bloc.

Leveraging BRICS Ideology

Malaysia’s lasting relationship with the BRICS can bring elemental changes to the ASEAN bloc. Malaysia can leverage the BRICS ideology through this collaboration to tackle global challenges with fierce solutions.

The nation can harness BRICS climate change and technological advancements to repair internal sectors and sectoral anomalies.

Sectoral Support from BRICS

Furthermore, the nation can also harness BRICS brilliance to aid specific sectors of its economy.

For instance, Malaysia may seek help in forestry from Brazil, water management from South Africa, and so on to make significant changes in its internal economic infrastructure.

Collaboration with China

With China in the mix, Malaysia’s lasting collaboration with China can help it robustly develop its smart grid technology to ensure a smooth data flow. By leveraging both sides’ essentials, Malaysia aims for the long haul.

Emerging as a Global Icon

The nation may emerge as a global icon, facilitating both blocs to ensure a systematic relationship in the long run.

JUST IN: China says it supports Malaysia joining BRICS.

“China welcomes the participation of a bigger number of partners in cooperation within BRICS so that we could act together to encourage the development of a fairer and more reasonable international order.”

— BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) July 30, 2024

If Malaysia manages to ace the scenario, it may emerge as a global head-turner, a strong nation with ties with most of the leading world superpowers.

ASEAN+ BRICS: De-dollarization At Best

ASEAN and BRICS are collectively known as entities ushering in the wave of de-dollarization.

JUST IN: Azerbaijan formally applies to join BRICS.

— BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) August 19, 2024

With nations swarming to join the increasing BRICS alliances, which are actively working towards launching their currency systems, the US dollar is now standing at an edge, with its foes multiplying rapidly.

Malaysia’s Role in De-dollarization

Malaysia’s bid to join BRICS is another example of how the multipolar currency narrative is streamlining globally. The development indicates how nations are vying for their independent identities and establishing their currencies as leading ways to forge new milestones.

Also Read: ASEAN Country Singapore To Suffer If It Risks De-Dollarization

Impact on the US Dollar

Derailing the US dollar is the core agenda of BRICS, and with ASEAN nations now showing interest in the lot, the de-dollarization agenda has found a new wave of activism within the global financial space. If expedited, the US dollar can lose its power worldwide.

Russia says 90% of trade with China is now settled in national currencies, effectively ditching the US dollar.

— BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) August 19, 2024

With the rising US debt metrics and weaponization of the USD, the nations are actively seeking alternatives that could help them establish their own repute and social standing.


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