As the BRICS group is set to integrate its second expansion effort in as many years, 3 major nations have officially announced plans to join the economic alliance. The bloc has seen a plethora of countries show interest, with even more formally submitting official applications.

Over the last several weeks, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Malaysia, and Colombia have unveiled proposals to join the collective. Most recently, Zimbabwe’s Defense Minister shared the country’s interest in taking part in the group’s “unique relationship,” enhanced by its willingness to cooperate.

JUST IN: Zimbabwe announces it will formally apply to join BRICS.

— BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) June 18, 2024

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Four Nations Seek Entry Into BRICS Alliance

Throughout 2024, the BRICS alliance has further solidified its focus on de-dollarization, and expansion. Both of these ideas are set to be a critical part of its upcoming annual summit. Moreover, it should see the collective continue to make waves in the geopolitical sector.

As the BRICS bloc is likely to embrace another expansion plan, four nations have submitted proposals to join the alliance in 2024. Those nations include Colombia, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Colombia was the first to express interest earlier this year. According to Russian News Media, the nation’s president, Gustavo Petro, is seeking entry into the group “as soon as possible.” Brazil’s president, Lula Da Silva, reportedly endorsed the nation’s entry into the growing collective.

Source: The Prime Minister’s Office Malaysia

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Subsequently, Malaysia had also sought to be the BRICS’s latest expansion nation. Reuters reports that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is leading the charge to fulfill the application process and necessary steps.

Finally, Thailand has been developing its BRICS entry plan since May of this year. The nation’s foreign minister, Maris Sangiampongsa, took part in June’s alliance meeting between delegates. There, Thai representatives met with Russia to discuss its inclusion in the alliance.


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