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Corruption Perceptions by Country in 2023

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How do corruption perceptions in Latin America compare to other countries?

In this graphic, Latinometrics uses data from Transparency International to provide visual context to corruption opinions across nations.

What is the Corruption Perceptions Index?

Every year, a German organization called Transparency International embarks on measuring corruption in each of the world’s countries. It does so through a metric they’ve branded as the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), which, as the name implies, measures how corrupt a given country is perceived by the people living there.

As with any such index, the methodology leaves room for criticism. Many will notice that according to this list, Cuba is Latin America’s fourth least corrupt country. The correct way of interpreting the index is that Cubans consider their country less corrupt than, say, Colombians consider their own country. It’s a subjective measure.

Corruption Perceptions in Latin America and the World

Latin American countries range from Venezuela, which, as of 2023, ranks second to worst worldwide, to Uruguay, which is tied with Japan and perceived as less corrupt than some of the most developed nations like the U.S. and France.

CountryCorruption Perceptions Index score

Germany 78

Canada 76

Australia 75

Uruguay 73

Japan 73

France 71

United Kingdom 71

United States 69

Chile 66

South Korea 63

Spain 60

Italy 56

Costa Rica 55

Saudi Arabia 52

Malaysia 50

China 42

Cuba 42

Vietnam 41

South Africa 41

Colombia 40

India 39

Ethiopia 37

Argentina 37

Brazil 36

Dominican Republic 35

Egypt 35

Panama 35

Indonesia 34

Ecuador 34

Peru 33

Mexico 31

El Salvador 31

Pakistan 29

Bolivia 29

Paraguay 28

Russia 26

Nigeria 25

Iran 24

Bangladesh 24

Honduras 23

Guatemala 23

Nicaragua 17

Venezuela 13

Source: Transparency International.

Unlike most countries in Latin America, which have experienced turmoil and drastic changes over the years, Uruguay’s corruption score has remained stable. This indicates healthy power transitions and is a testament to Uruguay’s trusted democratic and judicial systems.

Other Notable Trends

Turning back the clock on this index exposes improvements and descents into tragedy. On the improvements side, the Dominican Republic has made strides to regain its people’s trust, bettering its score by over 20 percentage points in the past decade.

In the early 2010s, the Dominican Republic was struggling with bribery allegations and a weak and unwilling-to-prosecute judicial system. Just last year, 20 former officials were arrested in the largest anti-corruption probe in the country’s history, which uncovered widespread embezzlement in government contracts.

Conversely, Venezuela and Nicaragua have both continued to undermine institutions and concentrate power in the hands of undemocratic leaders.

The post Corruption Perceptions by Country in 2023 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.


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