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Mapped: Countries with the Most Embassies Around the World

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It’s easy to contextualize a country’s economic might (GDP) or military prowess (military budgets), but what about diplomatic influence?

The Global Diplomacy Index by the Lowy Institute is an attempt to measure and compare diplomatic networks worldwide to understand the foreign ties that influence geopolitics.

From their 2024 update, we visualize the top 25 countries with the most embassies worldwide. Data for this graphic is current up to November 2023, and does not reflect diplomatic consequences from the Israel-Hamas war.

Ranked: Countries by Worldwide Embassy Count

China leads with 173 embassies around the world, eclipsing the U.S. (168) by just five more foreign posts.

Former colonial powers, France (158) and the UK (156) rank third and fourth respectively. Japan (152) rounds out the top five.

RankCountryEmbassies Overseas

1 China173

2 U.S.168

3 France158

4 UK156

5 Japan152

6 Germany148

7 Türkiye145

8 Russia143

9 Brazil135

10 India135

11 Italy124

12 Spain114

13 South Korea114

14 Netherlands106

15 Saudi Arabia104

16 Switzerland102

17 Canada98

18 South Africa98

19 Indonesia92

20 Poland91

21 Czech Republic91

22 Pakistan89

23 Argentina87

24 Hungary87

25 Sweden87

Note: As of November, 2023.

The index notes some key findings in the regional footprint of all these foreign posts as well.

For example, China has a larger diplomatic presence in Africa, East Asia, and the Pacific, while the U.S. leads in the Americas, Europe, and South Asia. This reflects the two superpowers’ trade and economic ties as well.

Meanwhile, Türkiye and India have grown their diplomatic networks the most in recent years. Interestingly, both countries prioritized Africa in their new outreach. In fact, India is a key export destination for many African countries.

Russia meanwhile had to close 14 foreign missions since it invaded Ukraine in 2022, slipping two ranking spots between 2017 and 2022.

The post Ranked: Countries with the Most Embassies Around the World appeared first on Visual Capitalist.


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